Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Congratulations are in order

For me! It's my 8 year anniversary of winning Miss Utah. It really was a cross-road in my life. The person I became after that day varies drastically from the person I would have been had I not won. Because of that day I have so many wonderful things in my life...free education, my husband, kids, my exceptional speaking abilities :) Lots of good stuff. It was the hardest year of my life...wait, just the hardest up until that point...but I grew and became so much more than I could have without that experience---the good and the bad.

So, let's all sit back and enjoy a few of those great memories:

Okay, so you can't. My video DVD won't work on my computer today. Maybe some other time. I know you're sad. Me too.

Oh, and I guess congratulations are in order for Taylor too. He has a job offer! Celebrate! We'll fill in the details later, but it's possible that we won't be leaving our current home for a while now.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS to both of you! Without you winning Miss Utah, I never would have met you, I never would have been your dressmaker, I never would have introduced you to our son, I never would have gone to Miss America with you, I never would have known Claire and Kyle, I never would have . . . etc.
    So, in my life, your winning is HUGE. And I'm so grateful.

  2. Woohoo! Congrats on your win 8 years ago and yay for a job offer! I can't wait to hear what and where and when. Also, I would love to see your Miss Utah video.

  3. MEMORIES!!!!!!! So many. Its all good :) What a fabulous ride you took us all on. I am convinced there is nothing like being a Miss Utah from a small town. The love, support and might I add admiration that comes from your home town can not be equaled in a big city. Hardly a week goes by without someone mentioning you.... at church, stake events, the neighborhood, the grocery store, broadbents or on good old Lehi Main Street. Remind me to tell you what miss claire told me about miss utah................. :) love you all!!!!! WAY TO GO TAYLOR TOO! THAT IS SO VERY AWESOME

  4. Please keep us 'out of towners'posted on everything that is happening this week! It is always so exciting! Congrats to Taylor on the job offer!
    -Holly :)

  5. I hope you post video later, I'd love to see it!
    What a cool opportunity . . . and hopefully this new job opportunity for Taylor will be just as full of blessings!!
