I said I would NEVER:
Pick up a binky off the floor and put it straight in my kid's mouth.
After about 4 months of age, I'm fine with wiping it off and sticking it back in. Or we do the classic "put it in my mouth first" move.
Leave the house with a stain on my clothes
As long as it isn't poop or snot, and I'm just going to the store or the park---I'll leave the house with a minor stain. I've got a spot on my shoulder right now from Kyle's mouth after he had pudding. I think I'll take a baby wipe to it before we go anywhere though :) It's just not worth changing for every spot, I have enough laundry as is.
Go anywhere without makeup
My surgeries have long negated this statement. It's been kind of freeing.
Be addicted to Coke
I have a diet coke with lime every day at nap time. It's either a nap or a coke for me, and usually there are things to get done. I blame this on my husband and fellow addict, but mostly on Dr. Patel for not catching the inflammation in my eye which caused daily migraines for 5 months. Coke was the only thing that got me through the day.
Some of my standards are leaving me, but I still will never:
Force my daughter to enter a pageant
Let my kid leave the house with a dirty face
Be somewhere public and not immediately change a stinky diaper
Let my kid wander around in just a diaper
Let my kids wander free around someone else's house without my constant
That's it for now, though I'm sure I could put a lot more in each category.
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