Sunday, January 18, 2009

A non-kid post

I figure every once in a while I should post on something that doesn't involve my children. One thing I like to think about a lot is the first year of our marriage. We had a great year. People always say it's a tough year, but we just had fun. One of the best parts was adjusting to sleeping in the same bed. For almost an entire year, every time Taylor would entire the room and if I were already asleep I'd shoot up in bed and yell, "What do you want?" or "Get out of here!" And that's yelling. At the top of my lungs.

Another thing we do is talk in our sleep. Well, Taylor mostly. He's crazy in the things he'll say. One night he woke me up to tell me how he made me a treat. I asked what he made (because this had never happened before). He replied excitedly, "Suckers!" I was perplexed as to why and how he accomplished this so I inquired. He explained, "Me and the linebackers made them during half-time." Okay... "And how did you make them, Honey?" "With hard candy and sprinkles!" You can imagine my confusion at the point. When I asked for clarification later it apparently came from late-night video game playing.

The video game playing also inspired this midnight conversation just after we got a new cat:
Taylor: "I need you to make the kitty a jersey."
Me: "For what?"
Taylor: "Well, he wants a certain number and the guys won't let him have it, so we need to make it for him.
Me: "For what?"
Taylor: "The kitty. For football."
He repeated this request a number of times. It never made more sense.

Other short gems that he's woken me up for, "Do we have everything we need for the reptiles?" (This was prior to our acquisition of any reptiles.) Me: "What are you doing?" Taylor: "Selling SHOES!"

And just the other night he woke me up to tell me, "I think I can really use your pick-up line in my thesis." "What pick up line, Honey?" "I don't know. I must be dreaming." After six years he's finally catching on.

Oh, and my before I go, my all-time favorite. I woke Taylor up because I'd had a terrible nightmare. I asked him to hold me. His answer? "You just hold me, it'll be alright."


  1. I love all these stories. They are very funny. Almost as funny as hearing Taylor sing happy birthday in his sleep.

  2. Greg does this VERY rarely . . . and I LOVE it when he does . . . the randomness of his ramblings crack me up, and trying to make it a two way conversation only confuses things more!
