Friday, January 21, 2011


Wow! Thanks for all of your positive comments and sharing of my last post. Having a public blog is a little bit freeing, and a little bit scary for me. But with 200 hits on that last post, I guess I should keep at it (not that I think 200 is super-overwhelming, just more than I expected).

I realized today that January is almost over. Two things followed that thought: 1) I haven't done my visiting teaching (but I really hope I will!), and 2) I haven't really made any resolutions beyond completing my 30 things before I turn 30. That list will end in April, so I better come up with something for the rest of the year.

Resolutions are tricky because you just don't know how the year will go (and because my two top thoughts were simultaneously get pregnant and lose weight I figured it would be best to just leave those two out of the resolving---for now. And for another post.). So you have to come up with something challenging, but for me it has to be something I really think I can do (I don't need to set myself up for failure), but something that will create improvement at the same time.

So, without further ado (and because you care so much) here are my two resolutions:
Number One: Sing in the shower. I know that this doesn't sound hard. And it isn't hard. I just want to remember to do it. I think it will make me happy and be a good start (or good end) to the day. I've already started to do this, and I enjoy it. You must know that I am not a great singer. I am not even a good singer. All the same, I will be singing to my heart's content daily (or every-other-day---who are we kidding?)

Number Two (and this is the hard one): I'm going to try not to talk about myself all the time. A number of you who communicate with me daily (and/or weekly or maybe even yearly?) are probably sighing a sigh of relief right now. After seeing this Brian Regan clip about the Me Monster I got nervous. What if that is me? And I think it might be. I tend to get nervous during conversation lulls, so maybe that's why I talk about myself? And as far as the Me Monster having better stories, sometimes I just want to take part in the joining process of relationships and say "Me too! We share similar experiences!" But the clip made me think maybe I need to tone it down. This will be difficult. So if we are together and you notice me going beyond social boundaries, please feel free to reel me in. We can only accomplish this together!

The good news is that I can still talk about myself when I blog. Because what else would I talk about? And I can still vocally share my self-designated awesome stories at firesides and other functions when I am the designated speaker and everyone is actually there to hear me, which I will be doing this Sunday, in fact.

The best news is that I am clearly evolving as a person (maybe that was sarcastic?). Remember in 2009 how my only resolution was to remember to put on deodorant before lotion because if I did it the opposite order the deodorant lid was too slippery? I have my list of 30, and singing in the shower, and eradicating the Me Monster. I have my work cut out for me (that was also partially sarcastic.)


  1. I love how "get pregnant" was your first thought. My goal for 2011 . . . To spend an entire year not pregnant! =)
