Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We have it easy

Today we were at my mom's house and needed a diaper for kyle. I went to the car to realize that I had none. We usually keep a good amount in there, looks like it's time to restock. Fortunately for all of us, Mom had an extra one lying around.

The experience gave me something to think about though. We're at a good stage in life. We can leave home as long as everyone has a jacket and shoes. That's it. No toting a diaper bag. No blankets to bundle. No toys to entertain. No extra food to pack. No potty trainer to worry about. Claire can buckle herself into her car seat, Kyle's learning to dress himself. Our hands-on parenting is slowly reducing as our kids become more self-sufficient.

Then I realized this is why my paternal grandmother firmly believed in reproducing every 18 months. That way you wouldn't know how easy it could be. If you're always in infant mode you don't realize how much your life will change with a new infant.

I'm certainly going through a need-a-new-baby stage (mostly thanks to my many friends who are now cooking/raising baby #3). But are we ready to go back to diaper bag toting and all of the accessories that come with a baby? Am I ready to go through 22 weeks of extreme morning sickness? No. No, I'm not. Is that selfish?

One thing we really enjoyed in Logan and would like to continue was family bike rides. We borrowed bikes and trailer from friends, and it was SO much fun to haul the kids around. If I were pregnant I'd have a hard time with that this summer (maybe?). What a funny reason.

Anyway, we have enough on our plate right now, so I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the goodness of having two independent children. Selfish as it feels.


  1. Aunt jackie...... how awesome of you to post miss baileys pictures...since her grandmother can't even remember how to get on her own blog and post the pictures herself.....AND yes indeed I do have the MOST BEAUTIFUL GRANDBABIES.....What a lucky girl I am!!!!! Love ya Jac
    AND HEY I say keep those babies coming...........Remember i had Four babies 4 and under at 26. Wow that would be like SUZY being pregnant with twins and 2 other toddlers at home. Kind of Crazy....

  2. Oh I hear ya girl! I am reveling in the ease of having 2 non-babies. I was pregnant with Davin when Weston was his age and it's so great to just be able to enjoy it. I'm trying to gear up for a new baby next year sometime, but man, I love not carrying that diaper bag! :) I miss you. Are you feeling better? Can we play?
